Any disease gives a person little pleasure, and mushrooms - even more. To achieve a cure for a fungal infection, great efforts must be made. The fact is that they are quite resistant to antifungal drugs and various methods of their elimination. Even if a person with such an infection knows how to quickly cure a foot fungus, quick relief is not possible in all cases.
Among all fungal diseases, mycosis is the most common. Most of us know it as nail fungus. Its characteristic feature is that it contains the manifestations inherent in all fungal diseases in general. In order to get rid of this disease effectively, and most importantly, quickly, it must be taken seriously.
It all starts with prevention.

So that the question of how to quickly cure toenail fungus is irrelevant to you, you need to prevent the development of the fungus. This is within the power of each person. To do this, you just need to properly address compliance with regulations and hygiene requirements. However, people do not always follow simple hygiene rules that everyone knows. Its implementation allows you to speed up the treatment process, and, moreover, exclude knowledge of a fungal infection, which is unpleasant for everyone. The hygiene rules that help protect against fungi are quite simple and are as follows:
- Each member of the family must have their own slippers. If you go on a visit, in this case it is worth taking a pair of slippers from home.
- Another rule is that once a week it is necessary to treat the walls and floor in the bathroom. Chlorine-based abrasive mixes are best used as a cleaning agent.
- An integrated approach should be used in the fight against excessive sweating. It is worth starting with such a procedure as foot washing, which must be carried out daily. In addition, it is necessary to bathe with the addition of salt and soda.
- Only comfortable shoes should be worn. It should not be narrow, and it is also important that it is made from natural materials.
- With a frequency of once every 5-6 days, it is necessary to wash the feet with laundry soap.
Home remedies
If you have a fungal foot infection and for some reason you don't want to see a doctor, you can treat it on your own. As for the problem of how to quickly cure toenail fungus at home, traditional medicine can offer a huge number of remedies and techniques. Using them, you can treat your problem effectively. By using improvised means, you can quickly remove nail fungus. The most important thing is to be responsible and patient in the process of treating this difficult disease.
She must begin her fight against the fungus with the disinfection of the apartment. Special attention should be paid to the ground. To prepare the composition with which the floor will be processed, a cleaning powder and a solution containing chlorine should be used. They are diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 5, and all surfaces in the apartment are treated with the resulting composition. Pay attention to underwear. It should be boiled in a solution of water and salt for 15 minutes. It is best to get rid of old socks. I should buy five new pairs. Shoes should be treated with an acetic solution and then stored in a closed plastic bag for one day. If you were wearing tight shoes before the fungus infection, you will need to get rid of them.
When all this is done, you can continue with the procedure to remove the fungus. If traditional medicine is used to combat a fungal infection, then the following two methods are most often used. They are used not only for their effectiveness, but also because they allow you to quickly eliminate the infection.
- First remedy. To prepare it, you will need ammonia in the amount of 22 ml, a glass of water, a cloth. Also, you need to prepare a pair of cotton socks and a plastic bag. Ammonia is diluted with water, then the fabric is moistened in the finished solution. Then, they wrap the leg with it, then it is wrapped in cellophane and a sock is put on top. You need to walk around in a sock and cellophane for several hours.
- Second remedy. To prepare it, you must first prepare the following ingredients: one egg, 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil, 70% vinegar in the amount of one tablespoon. In addition, dimethyl phthalate is required in an amount of 20 ml. All components are mixed in a container. The ointment must be rubbed every day. To increase the effectiveness of using this tool, you can wrap your foot in cellophane and put a sock on it. In less than a week, the bacteria will begin to die. A person infected with nail fungus will feel a noticeable improvement.